Sunday, January 25, 2009

We were just leaving the refuge when we spotted this doe. Then we saw the stag and 2 more does. It was getting too dark for pictures but a great end to a great day.

The first cranes in.

View of El Camino Real (The Royal Road) from the observation deck of the museum. This museum was in a way out of the way place, nothing else around.
The first Roadrunner of the season. He was a little too fast for me.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


At the bird refuge.

Here I am at the VLA (Very Large Array). What a name! Couldn't they think of something better? This is one of the dishes that capture radio waves from space. This one is in a building so people can see them up close. It weighs 230 tons.

Part of the zone conference talent show. Picture isn't very good.

At the Christmas zone conference. Elder Travis Peterson with arms around another elder. He reminds me of Mackenzie. Elder Peart on the right.

This was at the entrance of the River of Lights display.

Here are some more sculptures. Very interesting.

Some pictures

This isn't the picture I planned on posting, but it shows some interesting metal sculptures we saw.